Strategic Partnership Public Consultation
Consultation has concluded

***This consultation has now concluded***
Since early 2022, I have served as the Chief Executive of both Rochford District Council and Brentwood Borough Council.
The two authorities decided to form a unique partnership that would develop a strategic alliance between their councils.
These are two councils and two areas of Essex that have their own distinct voice and character. However, they also share many of the same qualities and values, and that is what we have tried to build on.
The spirit of partnership was already present as both councils are members of the South Essex Councils (formerly known as the Association of South Essex Local Authorities (ASELA)), which works to improve prosperity and wellbeing in our region by closer cooperation.
As Chief Executive, one of my key objectives is ensuring that we are providing the best possible value for money in terms of serving our communities. At a time when money is tight, how can we ensure our budgets are focused on delivering the necessary services and support that residents need?
Part of this partnership initiative is about sharing operational service delivery. In our ‘back office’ operations, we have two teams often undertaking similar tasks. By reviewing these services, we can improve efficiency, the quality of output and seek to make savings which can then be invested into frontline services.
Crucially we are doing this while retaining each council’s independence and the sovereignty of local decision-making and maintaining our individual identity for residents.
However, this partnership is not simply about financial savings and sustainability. It has to be driven by long-term strategic vision and purpose. It has to make us both better, stronger and raise our profile in a way that we could not do alone. It will also make us more attractive for inward investment helping both areas to thrive.
This has been an amazing and deeply rewarding challenge. As we move forward with our OneTeam approach we believe we are creating a strong alliance which will benefit residents in both districts and make greater use of the talents and creativity of our staff.
Jonathan Stephenson Chief Executive
What does Strategic Partnership mean for my services?
The Strategic Partnership was agreed on the 26th January 2022. The Partnership will identify further opportunities for beneficial shared service arrangements with other local authorities. In addition, the Partnership’s strategic priorities of:
- Deliver financially sustainable, high-quality services that are valued by our community;
- Lead the way to improve our environment by acting locally, contributing globally;
- Provide high quality, sustainable housing to meet the needs of our community;
- Improve the quality of life, health and wellbeing of our residents; and
- Create opportunities for economic growth and improved connectivity in which businesses can flourish
Q: What are the councils doing?
A: Since 2022 Rochford District Council and Brentwood Borough Council have had a joint Chief Executive in Jonathan Stephenson. This was the first step in a strategic plan for closer cooperation between the two councils, to create a dynamic partnership which boosts both councils and their services to their communities.
Q: Why are we doing this?
A: There are savings on operational costs to be made by unifying some of our ‘back office’ operations. This will free up money in the annual budget of each council which can then be used to improve and enhance the local services we provide directly to our residents. But there are other benefits as well. By working in unison, the two councils can have a stronger voice in the county and make long term strategic decisions on how best to improve our individual districts and make the lives of our residents better and support our local businesses.
Q: Does this mean power is moving from Rochford to Brentwood or from Brentwood to Rochford?
A: Absolutely not. Each council will still have its individual governance arrangements made up of democratically elected councillors who will continue to steer the direction of their council and work in what they believe are the best interests of their constituents.
Q: Does this mean the name of the district or borough is changing?
A: No. Each council retains its independence and the sovereignty of local decision-making, and we maintain our individual identity for our residents. We know many of you are proud to live in Rochford and in Brentwood and that will not change.
Q: Where can I find updates on progress?
The Strategic Partnership, also known as the OneTeam Transformation, reports annually to each Council and quarterly to the Rochford District Council Executive and to the Brentwood Borough Council Finance, Assets, Investments and Recovery Committee. Reports are also presented to Rochford District Council's Overview & Scrutiny Committee in order that questions can be asked and performance scrutinised and recommendations made.
Q: Is this the same as the Essex Level 2 Devolution Deal or South Essex Councils?
No, more information on these initiatives can be found below.
Level 2 Deal: Essex, Southend-on -Sea and Thurrock make up Greater Essex. The Government has confirmed that Greater Essex will work towards a Level 2 devolution deal. Under the Level 2 deal, there would be a new Greater Essex Combined Authority. This would mean the three authorities make collective decisions about the power and budget given to them by the Government. Essex County Council, Southend-on-Sea City Council and Thurrock Council will not merge under the deal. Each authority would remain independent.
South Essex Councils: Previously known as the Association of South Essex Local Authorities (ASELA), councils across South Essex are working together to promote prosperity and wellbeing in our region and make it the place to live, visit and do business. The partnership began in June 2016 and signed a Memorandum of Understanding in January 2018. In October 2021 the seven councils agreed to form a Joint Committee.